Update: project ontwikkeling in Kisumu

In het vorige nieuws artikel is er verteld dat we hebben besloten om kansarme maar veelbelovende, intelligente kinderen, die in het Day Centre zijn opgevangen te steunen. De Shinners vrouwengroep (verantwoordelijk voor de uitvoering van het project en het managen van het Day Centre in Kibos) heeft nu een tweede kandidaat voorgesteld die zijn middelbare school opleiding heeft afgerond. Zijn verhaal staat hieronder.
Rodgers is among the children that we started with at the Tom Mboya Day Care Centre. He comes from a family of 5. Their father abandoned them when he was 3 years old. His mother does
menial jobs to provide for him and his siblings. Through the help of well wishers, Rogers was able to complete his secondary education. He however did not make the cut off mark for
joining university and therefore applied for a three year diploma course at the College of Medical and Related Studies Kisumu.
He has now been admitted in the pre-operative theatre technology course. This course is a three year course, each year comprising of three terms. The fee is 45.000/- ksh (apporoximately 280 Euros) per term. For his admission, he will need extra 15,000/- (95 Euros)  as administrative costs.
After completion of this study, he will qualify to work in a hospital as technologist assisting the surgeons in their work, These technologists are tasked with ensuring that the surgeon receives the right and sterile instruments for surgery.  They therefore also work in sterilisation departments; where surgical instruments are sterilised.
Rodgers is quiet, honest and humble 20 year old boy. It is by sheer determination that he was able to complete his secondary education since he faced many challenges; being in a day
school and having to go hungry most of the time.
This will be a huge boost to his family especially his mother.
Wij hebben besloten deze jongeman te gaan steunen en zullen daarvoor poroject fondsen gaan werven en beschikbaar stellen.
Het Day Centre zelf blijft functioneren met minimale steun van onze kant omdat Rahim (de uitbater van de kippenboerderij) de onderwijzende en assisterende mensen van het Centrum betaalt. De laatste periode maakten ongeveer 30 tot 35 kinderen gebruik van deze opvang.
9 November 2023